
About Antonina

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audignime doluptat fugit ernatia dolor audis est molorero eat dus et lacera eossed magnatatis sequidus, ut qui renda si autendit rem que necupta ecuptae culpa ducilis es quidesequiat volo volupid quatur, is et, vendandam cus, que et labo.

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A Psychic sees into a person as a whole, communicating on a higher level (vibration) with their Guide to give you information about your present circumstances and the situations you are seeking guidance for. They receive this information visually or as a range of feelings, emotions or senses.

A psychic may also combine this intuitive insight with other psychic senses know as the Clairs, a collective name for various psychic abilities to connect with the energy within a persons Aura  to give a Reading from the information that is held within the Human Energy Field about a persons past, present or future.

Psychics do not make a connection to people who have died. If they do then they are working as a Medium also.

Healers work in various ways to assist an individual’s wellbeing to move from a place of imbalance to balance using a range of methods and practices relating to differing cultural or religious influences. Find out more

Everything in the universe is composed of energy. The physical body itself resonates at various frequencies; ill health can be a sign that the frequency within a particular area of the body is not resonating at its natural or desired frequency. The physical body is supported by an energy body, composed of pathways and chakras through which the life force of our being flows. to find out more follow this link

Healers harness the body’s own energy field to redirect the flow of energy within the body, removing blockages that can either manifest through negative emotions, old belief systems and trauma or thought processes and external energetic influences.

A Medium works as in conjunction with their Guide as a channel to make a connection with spirit to communicate and pass on messages from those who have died and whose souls have transitioned into the afterlife. This can be referred to as a Sitting.

All Mediums are naturally psychic and therefore use their psychic gifts within the sitting. Some Mediums may only work to provide the evidence of the continuation of life, and will often give the sitter information that confirms how someone died, describing past events, personality traits and messages of love and support, to give comfort to the person having the sitting.

Others work as Psychic Mediums using both gifts in conjunction to give intuitive guidance and pass on messages from those who have died.

To learn more about the energy body and how energy healing works, learn more… or go to the Library for books on the chakras and other healing practices.
What to expect during a healing session? Learn more clicks through to text below
You will be fully clothed and asked to lay on a massage table
Antonina may use a pendulum to assess blockages or unbalances within the chakras and energy filed.
Your energy field will also be assessed, cleansed and rebalanced
Crystals may be placed upon or near the body
Antonina will work on various parts of the body placing her hands in positions around the head, shoulders, stomach and feet. Each area is worked upon depending how much energy needs to feed into the system.
You may feel sensations of heat deep relaxation, contentedness or may fall asleep. You may feel emotional as tensions, blockages and anxiety are released.

Healers work in various ways to assist an individual’s wellbeing to move from a place of imbalance to balance using a range of methods and practices relating to differing cultural or religious influences. Find out more

Everything in the universe is composed of energy. The physical body itself resonates at various frequencies; ill health can be a sign that the frequency within a particular area of the body is not resonating at its natural or desired frequency. The physical body is supported by an energy body, composed of pathways and chakras through which the life force of our being flows. to find out more follow this link

Healers harness the body’s own energy field to redirect the flow of energy within the body, removing blockages that can either manifest through negative emotions, old belief systems and trauma or thought processes and external energetic influences.

A Medium works as in conjunction with their Guide as a channel to make a connection with spirit to communicate and pass on messages from those who have died and whose souls have transitioned into the afterlife. This can be referred to as a Sitting.

All Mediums are naturally psychic and therefore use their psychic gifts within the sitting. Some Mediums may only work to provide the evidence of the continuation of life, and will often give the sitter information that confirms how someone died, describing past events, personality traits and messages of love and support, to give comfort to the person having the sitting.

Others work as Psychic Mediums using both gifts in conjunction to give intuitive guidance and pass on messages from those who have died.

Client questionnaire feedback

I always feel ‘lighter’ after a sitting with Tonya. She has an uncanny skill of being able to pinpoint every pain area in my life at the time of the sitting. It could be a relationship issue or a work issue but we always work through it to uncover the root causes and work out the best course of action to take.

Yes – this process has taught me so many things about myself that I either didn’t want to acknowledge or I didn’t even realise. It has made me feel more at ease with myself and really to think about my own happiness and wellbeing as a priority over less important issues.

Yes – this process has taught me so many things about myself that I either didn’t want to acknowledge or I didn’t even realise. It has made me feel more at ease with myself and really to think about my own happiness and wellbeing as a priority over less important issues.

Tonya is a friend of a friend but I like to think that we were drawn together through the power of the universe

Just about everything. From improving my self-confidence to learning how to manage other people’s expectations and responding more assertively.

Yes, most of the time it comes through loud and clear, but as with everything nothing is 100% accurate so there are times where we may be left a little puzzled. This usually becomes clear within a few days though, once we’ve had time to process the information and place the meaning of the messages.

Yes – this process has taught me so many things about myself that I either didn’t want to acknowledge or I didn’t even realise. It has made me feel more at ease with myself and really to think about my own happiness and wellbeing as a priority over less important issues.

Yes – this process has taught me so many things about myself that I either didn’t want to acknowledge or I didn’t even realise. It has made me feel more at ease with myself and really to think about my own happiness and wellbeing as a priority over less important issues.

Very much so. At the very least it is a form of counselling, and Tonya has an amazing ability to articulate accurately what is being passed through her from spirit. Whenever I am feeling low or in need of an energy boost, this is the one thing I look forward to.

To book me call 0123 455678 or use the contact form here